Editor's Pick and Merchant -
The search is on for GoGo Xpress’ 12.12 Top Seller Awardees!

The search for the first GoGo Xpress 12.12 Top Sellers is on! Go above and beyond this 12.12 and get a chance to be one of our awardees for our first GoGo Xpress 12.12 Seller Awards! All GoGo Xpress Sellers who transact from December 9 to 12, 2022 are eligible in this program. Winners who will meet our criteria will be awarded with special gift packs and plaques.
12.12 Top Seller Award
Seller with best delivery performance during 12.12
- Must be with GoGo Xpress more than 3 months
- Less than 10% failed delivery and RTS past 6 months
- Highest number of successful pickups from December 9-12, 2022
Rookie to Rockstar Award
New Seller with best delivery performance during 12.12
- Must be with GoGo Xpress more than 3 months
- Less than 10% failed delivery and RTS past 6 months
- Most improved seller based on total successful pickup from from December 9-12, 2022
Gold Seller Award
Top Performing Seller under 1st Volume Tier
- Must be with GoGo Xpress more than 3 months
- Less than 10% failed delivery and RTS past 6 months
- At least 5 transactions per week from July to September, and with highest number of successful pickup from December 9-12, 2022
Silver Seller Award
Top Performing Seller under 2nd Volume Tier
- Must be with GoGo Xpress more than 3 months
- Less than 10% failed delivery and RTS past 6 months
- With less than 5 transactions per week from July to September, and highest number of successful pickup from December 9-12, 2022
The award recipients will be announced via email, Viber, and SMS and will be given special Gift Packs and Plaques as a token of appreciation. Winners will also be featured in our social media pages. We look forward to your participation! What are you waiting for? Book GoGo Xpress na!